My Clients

Senior leaders in mid-late career.

Diverse cultures, backgrounds, identities, & lives.

Feel underutilized, frustrated & exhausted.

Want to verify if they can advance in their current organization, or make a move to a better-fit role and / or culture.

Seeking a safe space where their whole-selves can show up – not only work-talk.

Most want to take better care of their health.

All have a professional potential they want to realize.

Me In A Nutshell

Past business & corporate employee.

Experience across many industries, inc. Technology, Healthcare, (Global) Finance, Energy, HR, Education, & Philanthropy.

Multiple geographic relocations & career changes with significant cultural adaptation.

Trauma-informed, mission-driven.

Over a decade presenting to thousands, personally helping hundreds of professionals up level their careers.

Me In A Nutshell

Past business & corporate employee.

Experience across many industries, inc. Technology, Healthcare, (Global) Finance, Energy, HR, Education, & Philanthropy.

Multiple geographic relocations & career changes with significant cultural adaptation.

Trauma-informed, mission-driven.

Over a decade presenting to thousands, personally helping hundreds of professionals up level their careers.

My Clients

Senior leaders in mid-late career.

Diverse cultures, backgrounds, identities, & lives.

Feel underutilized, frustrated & exhausted.

Want to verify if they can advance in their current organization, or make a move to a better-fit role and / or culture.

Seeking a safe space where their whole-selves can show up – not only work-talk.

Most want to take better care of their health.

All have a professional potential they want to realize.

Why I'm uniquely equipped to help you through this change.

In what now feels like another lifetime – I was a depressed, anxious girl living in Birmingham, England.

Tethered to familial, societal & cultural expectations I could never live up to.

Hiding behind an eating disorder, binge drinking, intense social anxiety, deep shame, & a wall of  fake confidence.

Over time I found my way...

to a natural confidence & self-love — my weight stabilized, I naturally made healthier nutrition choices, started to exercise consistently, feel comfortable socially, and enjoy my life – which included learning to dance!

I learned compassion for my struggles & imperfections.

I made choices that enabled me to fulfill life-long dreams including working internationally in multiple industries & roles, across a wide variety of functions & levels.

I learned to own my super powers.

10,000s of hours later -

With tens of thousands of coaching hours under my belt – I  trust my skillset.

I understand what change triggers in our brains, emotions, & identities.

I understand corporate & business environments.

I trust intuition & rigorous strategy. 

I know how to help you navigate to your next level.

I go Big

I make Big decisions.

Big moves – I relocated from the US to Senegal in my late 40s. 

Big investments – a high 5-figure business program. 

Big commitments to personal growth – in one particularly challenging year I committed 156 hours to  EMDR.

Big is my way, because I have big dreams, & a potential I can’t ignore.

But big doesn’t have to be your way.

I can help you make small, powerful shifts that transform your career and life.

We're all wired for our own unique expression of life.

Having the courage to recognize & follow your path is at the heart of what I enable.

No matter your past, you’re perfectly designed & positioned for your future.

I know how to help you uncomplicate the complicated, & guide you to clarity.

I know how to partner with you, position you powerfully – & own that identity 100%.

I can help you spark courage & momentum.

How you’re feeling, what you’re thinking, the fears and desires you have are all welcome [and expected] in our sessions.

I can help you clarify what you want – and I know how to help you get you what you want professionally.

I’m highly strategic with a whole-human-coaching approach. Every step of the way is designed to fit your needs, personality & values. 

The actions you take will work. 

And please know...

My ultimate job is to support you in owning your strengths, & advancing your career.

Which means we go at the pace of your slowest parts.

While I lovingly keep you moving forwards no matter what.

“I’m committed to the career dream you have for you life, because that dream is the best, fullest expression of You.

“Those who live true career dreams impact the world in positive ways.”

Portrait of Clara

My Mission

Change culture by empowering more high integrity professionals to own their brilliance & influence environments where they can shine.

The world needs more good people in positions of power. 



Clarity Unlimited since 2009

Helping hundreds of senior leaders through career advancement, change; international professional speaker for audiences up to thousands.


Coaching Trainings

Mental Health Facilitator, Voice Dialogue I and II, CTI Fundamentals, basic NLP.


Organizational Certifications

Group Facilitation (multiple models), Organizational Diagnosis.



BA Speech (Communications); MSc International Crime & Criminology.


International Professional Experience

Includes: US, UK, Rwanda, Benin, France, Canada, Australia, Singapore.


Speaker Experience

Includes: US [multiple states], Canada, Mexico, Australia [Adelaide, Sydney], France, Rwanda, Benin; & remote.


Volunteer Experience

Includes: Romania; India [Calcutta, Delhi]; Zambia; Benin; Tanzania; Mexico; US – Hawaii, California.


Global Travel inc. x3 bi-continental relocations

Includes: x16 African countries,  x15 European countries [east & west], x8 countries in Asia; North America, UK, Australia, Costa Rica, Mexico.

You’re loyal, highly skilled, & do the right thing You take personal responsibility for results. You ache to feel self-expressed & fulfilled.

You don’t want a new job, but where you are is taking a serious toll on your health, relationships & peace of mind.

You’re capable of more, want to make a difference with your remaining years at work, & know it’s time to make a change.

Ready to get unstuck & advance your career?