Be Careful What You Wish For

Clara Chorley
June 15, 2009

Raise your hand if you’ve heard the expression: Be Careful What You Wish For. Ok. Yes. A lot of you. (Who actually raised their hand?!)

The more people I work with, the more convinced I am that we ‘know’ on some deep level that if we just surrender to ourselves all our dreams will come true. We ‘know’ that we’re mostly afraid of what we’ll do if we do get what we want – that dream job,  life partner, or promotion.

We get laid off, or we get overwhelmed, or we wake up and realise we’re not being true to ourselves and part of us screams: “Nooooo! I like just going along with my life. If I’d realised this would happen I’d have done something sooner, but I like the easy route. I don’t want this difficult, surrender sh*t.” It takes courage to surrender. And believe it or not, we all have plenty of that. It’s just that sometimes we need support systems to remind us.

Raise your hand again if you’ve experienced miracles – small, medium or large, they all count. You know what they are. It’s when a friend forwards you an email with the Audi TT Roadster you love for sale at an unheard of low price. It’s when you’re sitting on your couch thinking how much you’d like to be with friends, and Ann calls to invite you out. It’s when you think about that ideal job you’d like and there it is advertised the next day. When we’re paying attention, these sorts of ‘coincidences’ are taking place all the time.

And then there’s readiness. For the last few months I’ve been resisting speaking publicly about what I do. For a reason. I didn’t feel ready. And, at the same time, I knew that the moment I surrendered to speaking publicly, offers would come. I knew that because that’s how my life’s always been. Last Monday morning I woke up, and I was ready! In the last 6 days I have been offered 5 speaking opportunities. Coincidence? I think not.

So, what’s at work here? Are you aware of something you’re resisting? That thing that keeps jumping into your mind and you keep brushing it away. That thing that when you think about it you feel excitement bubbling up inside you, and you quickly think about something else. Excitement and Fear are close cousins. Who’s heard the other well-know expression: Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway. ? I’m not trying to pretend that all of this is easy. It can be, but we are human and compassion for our willingness and ability to face and navigate through our fears is important.

A Step You Can Take

It can be quite powerful is to write down what it is that keeps tapping you on the shoulder. Just start writing. With no end goal in mind. Be open to exploring. Or, if you prefer, find a friend or colleague that you can trust and ask them to just listen while you talk. Start to explore what you’re resisting. Talk or write about What Could be Wonderful about this possibility, and What Concerns You about it. Be authentic with yourself. Trust me, the things that call us don’t go away. They’re like the persistent small child tugging on your sleeve for attention.

Important Pre-Requisite for Dreams Coming True

This might not apply to you, but it’s important that I share. Public speaking happens to be a passion of mine. Always has been, always will be. What I was resisting (albeit consciously) was the deepest part of myself. And because it is the deepest part of myself. When I let down the resistance – the Universe flooded me with opportunity. When we allow our most authentic selves to express, the Universe supports us; and that’s a Law I know to be true. You just might be resisting the truest part of who you are, the part of you that can bring you the most joy. Ask for anything that doesn’t come from that true place and it’s unlikely you’ll receive it.


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