

Keeping True Ideas Alive

Keeping True Ideas Alive

You know those days when a certain flavor of idea rolls into the town of your psyche? Ideas such as Right, that’s it, no matter what I'm getting paid it's time for a job change,...

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Change v. Transition

Change v. Transition

Author William Bridges differentiates between a change and a transition. “One of the most important differences between a change and a transition is that changes are driven to...

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Change Invites Quiet Bravery

Change Invites Quiet Bravery

What do you feel at the end of your day, when you step away from your work? Tired but accomplished? Fulfilled and focused? Resentful and depleted? Full of hope or hopeless? Sarah...

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Why Plans Fall Apart

Why Plans Fall Apart

You want to make a change in your career, or your life, or something. You know that that means doing stuff. It isn't going to magically just come to you. You have some ideas in...

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It's surprising and saddening to me how many people I meet who are managing anxiety. Feeling powerless in its grip. Knowing that it's zapping some of the colour from life ~ but...

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The Catalyst Of Change

The Catalyst Of Change

This morning I was interviewed by a radio station in the UK. We talked about what gets people to change. What creates those a-ha! moments where a person decides “That’s it! I’m...

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Start A Business?

Start A Business?

Some of the women and men I coach wish to run their own business. Either full-time or on-the-side. When I ask: What would having your own business do for you? The resounding...

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