How impatience gets in the way of you having what you want.

Clara Chorley
August 08, 2021

Let me start with this statement – I can be notoriously impatient. But when I’m not… when I tolerate the incredible discomfort and irritation of smart waiting… the things I want arrive with gob-smacking ease… I remember wanting to move to a very popular city. Rental units were sparse and over-priced. Plus you were expected to go through over-priced agencies, rarely meeting the property renter. Personally, I’m not a fan of this kind of route. I visited the city, met a couple of friends, expressed my desire to move, and came home. Within a month, one of those friends connected me with a friend of a friend who was renting an apartment. We did a video tour, liked one another, and within two months I moved. The back story? I’d been talking about moving for about a year. Telling myself I’d never find a place in my budget in that city. Hitting dead-ends. Sitting with frustration and some powerlessness – mostly because for that year it wasn’t so much that I wanted to move, it was that I didn’t want to be where I was. Huge difference. Impatience is usually generated by deep feelings of “Get Me Out of Here” “I can’t tolerate this any longer.” Once I no longer needed to escape, I became ready for the next place. And it arrived. Easily. I see this pattern with clients all the time. It can be a key  contributor to how long a job search takes. Today, ask yourself – are you running? (driven by impatience) or Are you ready? (driven by focus). Deal with why you’re running, face what you think you can no longer tolerate – and you’ll become ready. Then what you want will be able to find you – with ease.


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