What Are You Waiting For?

Clara Chorley
August 31, 2018

“You cannot imagine what you have to gain from this because the imagination that’s keeping you where you are won’t let you.”

As most of my work involves supporting women and men as they move through personal and often career change (new jobs or businesses), I tend to be alert to tips, tools and stories that make walking those unknown pathways a little less scary.

For most of us, stepping into the unknown alone and without any sort of plan is … well… we won’t do it.

“What do you mean I have to start being more loving to my husband in order for my relationship to improve? He needs to be nicer to me first!” Way too risky and my heart has already taken a bashing.

“Screw my boss, there’s no way in hell, heaven or the outer edges of the Universe that I’m going to tell that jerk how they’re sucking the life out of me! No way!” What if I tell her and she doesn’t give a crap. What then?!

“What do you mean, move to Chicago? You’re joking, right? Even though I’ve dreamed about it for most of my life, let me tell you all the reasons I’ve convinced myself it’ll never work out. Until I get past those obstacles, oh, and the new ones that’ll surface once I do, I’m going to stay put and keep complaining about my life. Got it? Good!” What I want will never work out, so why take the risk.

IF we’re going to make a change. And let’s face it, even that is something that most of us won’t ever do because we’re convinced it’s a guaranteed road straight to a Safeway shopping cart in the local park, with dirt under our finger nails and complete abandonment by all of our friends. But IF we decide that we might just be okay, then most of us prefer to move forwards with some sort of tried and true tools or ideas that we can start off with. We can design our own way later on. But to start out… give me a road map.

It’s partly why we hire people to help us.

We’re sitting in the middle of nowhere and this person comes along with a compass, a map plus experience because they’ve walked this path before. So we stand up and decide to go with them. We try out their path for a bit. And hopefully they help us design our own route as we go along.


Let me tell you about Signal Hill.

Signal Hill is about a quarter of the height of Table Mountain in Cape Town, South Africa. There are a couple of tarmac roads to the top for those with cars, and a ton of narrow worn-ish paths that mountain-goat-like-humans prefer.

I was standing looking up at Signal and could see a row of trees directly above. I’m not a mountain goat. I broke into a sweat just at the thought of scrambling straight up to them. Plus, I couldn’t see a clear trail and wasn’t going to risk getting lost or stuck.

So I went the long way around, found a more clearly worn path and headed up in a more gradual way. Before I knew it I was pretty close to the tree line.

I love taking my own path. But today, what got me up that hill was following other people’s paths. Those paths got me just close enough to the tree line for me to confidently bring out my inner mountain goat and scramble vertically the rest of the way. Slipping on rocks until I could wrap myself around a eucalyptus tree and check out the view.

Which was breathtaking. Miles of ocean, the white rooftops of Cape Town apartment buildings, and the green tip of Lion’s Head, my hiking destination for another afternoon.

Their route first.

Find my bearings.

Then my way.

Coming down was easy. And going back another day will be even easier. Feels good.

Signal Hill is no longer a mystery, it’s now somewhat familiar so going back and exploring more will be easier.

So how about this for a series of questions?

  1. Where do you want to go?
  2. Who’s been there already?
  3. What are your conditions for hitching a ride with them until you find your own way?
  4. Will they meet those conditions?
    • If yes… go straight to number 5.
    • If no… Who else has been there and will they meet your conditions? (rinse & repeat until you get a Yes)
  5. Ready to go?
  6. Go!


Less daunting.

For all you go-getter, I-have-to-do-this-on-my-own, no-I-don’t-need-help, if-I-were-stronger/smarter/richer-I’d-figure-this-out people. Consider putting your pride down. It might be lying to you. Then find an arm, link with it, and get going in the direction you want, at the pace you want.

Do not wait.

Do not pass Go.

Do not collect $100.

Just start.



Trust me. You cannot imagine what you have to gain from this because the imagination that’s keeping you where you currently are won’t let you.


Let’s Talk about the career change you want to make. You can schedule with me by clicking here.


  1. Sally

    What earnest, wise and truly doable advice, Clara. Thank you! I often talk with my daughter about mind over matter (especially at dinner times!), and your post is really about that – changing the mindset. Breathe, find a smile, and go! A wondrous journey of discovery awaits….and who knows what other doors will open along the way….

  2. Heather Kimmel

    Thank you for this. I needed it today. I was trying to decide on another step forward. To take the risk or not. I already knew I didn’t want to give up the chance or opportunity to move forward. I don’t want to remain stuck where I am. Reading this confirmed what I already knew I wanted to do and verified it’s the right choice if I want to fulfill my dream. Thank you again for the visual images that help me break through.


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