What do beautiful vineyards have in common with the work you do?

Clara Chorley
June 20, 2021

When August arrives in the valley where I am, varietals of black grapes hang in bunches from scrawny decades-old stems. Tractors and trucks spring into action at the ripe time, collecting every possible fruit. Then within weeks the green leaves turn to gold, rust-burgundy, and sunshine yellow. Once they fall, the stems are left bare until Spring, when bright green leaves seem to burst out of nowhere, and the cycle of grape-life begins again.

Autumn vines

I’ve never nuzzled up so closely with the seasons. Had the days of my life marked by the river over-flowing and blocking the road; visiting butterflies; seasonal market vegetables and fruits; and a valley that changes colour every few months.

And I work. 

The internet makes everything possible. 

What’s different, is that it’s much harder to ignore the passing of time here. The vines change, and I change, and you change. Our lives are tick-tocking by, one season of grapes at a time.

This was somehow easier to ignore when I couldn’t see it.

Patiently posing dragonfly

Work is important to many of us. But what matters most is that work is meaningful. That you enjoy it. That you’re not working  just for the sake of earning, or fitting in, or whatever you feel trapped by.
You don’t need to live on the doorsteps of vineyards to remember what matters. It’s innate. We all know deep within us what matters. It takes more energy to pretend we don’t, than it does to surrender and step away.

For today, maybe close your eyes and imagine yourself in a place that’s beautiful and soothing for you. A place where you can breath and relax for a moment. Then bravely ask yourself:

“How are you doing, _______ (your name)?” 

And listen, and feel. And give permission for a new season to burst forth from within you.

1 Comment

  1. Daniel Roth

    Thanks for the thoughts, Clara. Very insightful. Not to mention the beautiful photography! Thanks for share those as well. Best-


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