Why The Best Time Is Now

Clara Chorley
February 16, 2021

Imagine with me for a moment.

Allow a deep breath – and imagine.

Reflect back ten or more years ago and find a moment when you felt excited about what lay ahead.

You had dreams, you believed in possibilities, you believed in yourself.

A time when there was a fresh energy, a feeling of hope and choices about your future.

Notice who you were then and how you felt.

Enjoy it for a moment…


As you return to this moment I want to share something with you.

If that version of you is still present in your life today – well done.

If that version of you appears to be missing, it’s time to bring her or him back.

We’re not meant to shut ourselves off from life as we age.

We’re meant to continue expanding and growing; to keep  trusting our heart and following our wisdom; playing with life and taking chances.

And in return we get a life that fits us, a general feeling of fulfillment and peace, and we learn that those chances are the safest ones.

Age and bumps along the way cause many to mistakingly start making decisions that feel safe but are ultimately depleting. Leaving them in places and with people that deep down they know aren’t good for them.

But the good news…

A minute ago you reconnected with your core self.
The essence of you.
So now you know how to find that lost part.
Any time you like.

And this is why now is the best time.
To take a step towards something you know you want.
Because that part of you is timeless, and will always want to express and create and lead.
And if you don’t allow her or him to do that, you’ll likely feel the constant nag of something missing.

Today’s the perfect day to let yourself say Yes.

To make a small decision to allow that energy and vitality back into parts of your life.

What’s the thing you want?
Write it down.
Then write down one step you’ll take towards it tomorrow.

You’re worth it.


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