
How to check if what you ‘Should’ do is best for you.
"Should-ing" I shoulda called my mother.I shouldn't've eaten that cake.I shoulda made this change years ago. And so it goes on... An endless, exhaustive inner dialogue...

Why Other People Are The Key To Your Success
When someone wants to make a heartfelt change in their life that maybe doesn’t come easily - for example, having a healthier body, finding a loving partner, or running a thriving...

How Getting Scrappy Gets Everything You Want
If you want to make a meaningful job or career change, you'll need to get scrappy! Getting scrappy means: acting on random ideas being willing to get something wrong, or...

Keep a Firm Grasp on the Other Side of all This
This morning, I was thinking about the future. And how now, in some ways more than ever, it's become a friend I'm excited to see again. This last year has been so...

Why The Best Time Is Now
Imagine with me for a moment. Allow a deep breath - and imagine. Reflect back ten or more years ago and find a moment when you felt excited about what lay ahead. You had...

Covid-19: Preparing For The Fallout
MARCH 2020: Right now, people are fluctuating somewhere between panic, dismissal and disbelief regarding Covid-19. The panickers are depriving the rest of us of toilet paper,...

Depression & The Only Real Solution
This article is for those of you who struggle with difficult feelings that might get harder at certain times of year. Or perhaps you live with them every day. Feeling depressed...

One Step Is All You Get
I left America for Africa just over a year ago. Packed up my life and moved. I didn’t know exactly what I was heading towards. I was just doing what I coach so many people...

Happy New Year: The Batwa Tribe Of Uganda
I'm wishing you Happy 2019 from Kisoro, Uganda, East Africa. This is the place where people come to roam coffee plantations, spend one very special hour with mountain gorillas,...

Small Fixes, Big Benefits
It had become an irritation, but not one that I was doing anything about. But irritations are expensive. At the very least, they cost time and mental energy. Part of my morning...

What Are You Waiting For?
"You cannot imagine what you have to gain from this because the imagination that’s keeping you where you are won’t let you." As most of my work involves supporting women and men...

When You Just. Can’t. Stop.
On the overnight train to Cape Town, Essie and Albert filled up the cabin next to mine. Essie ~ a large breasted woman in her 60s, able to get around slowly with a stick, called...