
Want More Joy & Ease? Play The 3-Week F-Word Game!
[ If you'd like to watch the video instead of reading, click here. ] [lottery announcer voice:] Welcome to the 3-week F-word game – a game you’re guaranteed to win!What do you...

How To Be Really Successful Setting Your Intentions!
[ If you'd like to watch the video instead of reading, click here. ] I don’t know about you, but setting intentions and following through… Easier to say it than stick to it! I...

Why Trust The Pull Of The Heart, The Whisper Of The Soul.
The intersection of thinking, feeling and fulfillment is an important part of living a meaningful life. But not everyone trusts their feelings. Let's start with thinking... Have...

This One Powerful Insight Will Save You A Lot Of Time
Me: "Out of 100% of your efforts, how much do you estimate you're spending on managing other people's perception of, or feelings towards, you?" Client: ... long pause... "About...

Two Simple Steps To Make Sure Your Life Changes Stick.
Change. We want to change an eating habit, the way we exercise, or how we dress. Maybe something 'bigger'? We want to change our job, some things in our relationship, or how much...

Two Words To Instantly Transform Your State Of Mind.
Something happened and I ended up feeling I was paying a high price for being honest. It worked against me, or so I thought. It certainly put me in a position where I then...

How To Un-Brainwash Your Way To A Better Result.
Ever suspect you might be doing a bit of groundhog-day-backstroke in your life? Maybe every now and then an annoying voice way backin your awareness points this out? Perhaps you...

When you want change but aren’t ready to get out there… do this !
So you want a new job, or to make a career change. Once that idea's sparked, here's how it usually plays out in the mind: Step 2: decide on the job you want and update your...

How impatience gets in the way of you having what you want.
Let me start with this statement - I can be notoriously impatient. But when I'm not... when I tolerate the incredible discomfort and irritation of smart waiting... the things I...

How to make sure you don’t miss out on the best things for you!
It's 9:30pm, I'm curled up on the couch in my Airbnb rental. I've been curled up there for the last hour. I can hear a few birds making the most of the remaining...

What do beautiful vineyards have in common with the work you do?
When August arrives in the valley where I am, varietals of black grapes hang in bunches from scrawny decades-old stems. Tractors and trucks spring into action at the ripe time,...

A surprisingly simple tool to keep you in the job seeking game.
How do you stay motivated through rejection, no response, and the daily confidence hits that are part of the job seeking journey?You wear Hats.Most people have a tendency to sit...