
How Silence Can Break Relationships
A cricket. An insect (family: Gryllidae) related to the grasshopper. The male produces a characteristic rhythmical chirping sound. At some point, we've all heard crickets....

Making A Difference Shouldn’t Mean Going Broke
As an avid traveller, volunteer and eventually paid difference maker it was striking to me some of the comments I received after returning from a paid management consulting...

What Are You Giving Your Attention To?
Have you noticed how... ... when reminded to look for miracles, or coincidences, or inexplicable synchronicity - we can often find it? ... when reminded to see what's strong...

Your Green Eyed Monster Protects You From Pain
It has been proven that rather than review the beliefs we have about the world, our lives, our selves we are more likely to accept them as true and look for evidence to reinforce...

Part II: Can’t Decide? Try This
In Part 1 of Can't Decide? Try This... we talked about the competing voices in your head. The information you can gather from each of the parts inside you can be both...

Part I: Can’t Decide? Try This
Do you sometimes find yourself arguing... with you? Perhaps multiple parts of you argue with each other? Part of me says YES, another part says NO, and another part hasn’t got a...

A Moment In Accra, West Africa
IT'S WAR Me and the mosquito. He may well be innocent and not be a carrier of malaria. But sadly for him (or her) he can't talk. So it's war. Two days under a mosquito net, a...

Difficult Conversations With Co-Workers
According to the Harvard Business Review, emotional intelligence is one of the defining qualities of a good leader. It can take a person of somewhat “average” abilities and...

When Intuition Says ‘Yes’, But You Decide ‘No’
Simone was 2 months away from losing her home. She'd lost her job 8 months prior. When she was offered a job as Marketing Assistant, her gut said "No. Don't take it". What would...

Clarifying Your Unique Success Secret
I posted this question on Facebook: "What is one of the biggest secrets to being Successful?" Here are some responses: "Courage. It's the tipping point in the elevation of...

The Healing Power of Photographs… Of You
Do you find yourself holding your breath, fake-smiling, hiding in the back behind someone tall, offering to take the picture, or suddenly needing the restroom whenever someone...

Don’t Be An Amoeba
An amoeba is a single-celled protozoa that fills with water and then expels it, fills with water and then expels it, fills with water and then... well, you get it. Essentially -...